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How to meditate - Meditation for Beginners

Don't we all want to be more zen? To switch our minds off of the continuous hustle and bustle and just be? Haven't we all heard the stories about people who were so stressed out but can't be fazed by anything anymore because they found meditation?

friends, sunset, park, hanging out

And don't we all secretly resent them because they are so unworldly chill all the time? At least, I do. Whenever I read some story about some 'influencer' or 'celebrity' that talk about how much more inner peace they have, I roll my eyes. Meditation is not some magical remedy that will help you to be happy and calm all the time. Feelings we generally consider as 'bad', such as anger, jealousy, hatred etc. are valid and healthy. Balance is key here, as everywhere.

However, meditation can help you not to be stuck in the moment of feeling and holding on to certain (unhealthy) situations.

But how do you get started with meditation? Which meditation (guided, on your own, walking meditation etc.) is best for you? How long do you have to meditate?

In this blog, I'll try to answer these questions.

How to get started

Nobody expects you to start with an hour long meditation every day. In order to get in the right mindset in the first place, you can start by brushing your teeth mindfully (or any other activity you're doing every day). Instead of thinking about what you'll do afterwards or already going through your mental to-do-list, concentrate on what exactly it is you're doing. The feel of the toothbrush against your teeth. The taste of your toothpaste. The way your teeth get cleaner and your smile brighter with every stroke of your toothbrush. Meditation isn't about thinking about nothing. It's about not letting your mind wander off and distract you. It's about being in your body and not letting your mind control your actions.

Which meditation is best for you

Trial and error, my friends. Personally, I think it's easier to get started with following guided meditations (there's a plethora on YouTube). All you need to do is find a place where you'll be undisturbed for a bit (yes, the bathroom counts too!). And then concentrate on the sound of the voice and what you are hearing. Mind starting to wander off? Missed parts of what was being said? About to fall asleep? Don't beat yourself up about it. Just come back to the sound of the voice and concentrate on your breathing.

How long do you have to meditate

The sky's the limit. You decide. You don't have to have a fixed schedule of meditation for at least an hour a day. If you manage, good for you. If you manage just 2 or 5 minutes a day, that's perfect as well. Skipped a day? No drama.

Remember: Consciously taking 5 or 10 breaths a day, without getting distracted also counts as meditation.

What are the benefits of meditation

There are loads of benefits, here are a few examples:

Health benefits:

  • decreasing blood pressure

  • helping pain control

  • reducing inflammation in the body

  • improving sleep

Mental health benefits:

  • managing anxiety

  • better handling of stressful situations

  • increasing self-awareness

  • focusing on the present

As with everything that you're trying for the first time: Be patient. Be kind to yourself. Try to be consistent and you should see the first effects taking place after about 8 weeks.

Let me know if you're practicing meditation, how long you've been doing it and how it has helped you.


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