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New Year, New You?

We've all been there: Next year, I'm going to (insert as applicable) lose weight, work out more, stop smoking. But how do you actually change your lifestyle without falling back into your old habits?

Words being replaced

Studies show that if you keep up doing something consistently for 21 days, then you've automatically created a new habit. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Then why is it so hard to follow through with creating new habits?

It takes 21 days to create a habit, 90 days to create a lifestyle

Rule of thumb is not to focus on too many things at once. Want to make multiple changes to your lifestyle? Prioritize those and start with the "easiest".

Staying positive and motivated

Sometimes, you just don't feel like doing something. Answering that dreadful work email? Taking that call? Getting up early to start your day with a workout? In other words: Your motivation is lacking. Fear not, this is normal. There is such a thing as "motivation wave": If your motivation goes up, you can do harder things. If your motivation goes down, you are less able to do hard things.

Keep in mind, that having less motivated days are the norm. That's why it's important to start off with an easy reachable goal. Want to start working out? Start with 5 push-ups every day instead of 25, so that you don't need lots of motivation to get started.

Break down big goals

You want to give up smoking but smoke 2 packs a day? Hate to break it to you, but going cold turkey will most likely not end the way you envisioned. Try reducing your smoking habit to be successful. Instead of 40 cigarettes a day, start by smoking 35 for a week. Then break it down even further. Within a year you will be smoke-free. And if you have a relapse? Those things happen, there's no use in crying over spilt milk. Just try your best again the next day. Consistency is key, not perfection.

Patience and Sustainability

We all want results fast. Better yesterday than today. But (unfortunately) that's not how it works. You want to lose weight and build up a workout plan? You didn't gain all that weigh overnight, so why would you be able to lose it (in a healthy way) within 30 days?

Learn to be patient and adapt your goal as you go along. Start with incorporating one healthy meal a day if you're a fast food lover. Or simply change the side dishes from chips to a salad. Only have alcohol once a week (1 or 2 glasses, not bottles). Replace your soda with fruit juices. Add a smoothie a day into your diet.

It should feel easy. Especially in the beginning. You are much more likely to stick with your new habits if they feel attainable.

Don't change your life, change your dreams

We are all unhappy with our lives at some point. Life is never stagnant, it's all in a flow. We are constantly evolving and learning and growing. Do you sometimes look at other people's lives and think "Oh, they have it together and all figured out?" (looking at you, social media influencers). I do. And then for a short moment I feel bad because I'm in my thirties, I'm not married, I don't have any children and after all, this is what I should want, isn't it? The truth is: No one has their lives figured out. And it doesn't matter whether somebody's hugely successful in their early twenties and others only reach their height of success in their late forties. It's your race, your pace. Don't let society tell you how to live your life.

Don't forget: You're not a tree. If you don't like where you are in life, you can change it. If you've always wanted to make it in a corporate career but it's just not working out for you, maybe it's not the right path. Recognising this might hurt (a lot). This doesn't mean you have to throw away all your hard work, move to a tropical island and open a beach bar (if that's your life goal though, go for it!). Start by changing your dreams ever slightly and the rest - the big lifestyle changes - will follow.


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